Start These Habits to Become a Motivated Runner!
Published on:January 01, 0001

Tom Holland, an exercise physiologist, says "Runners who are consistent with good habits have the most success." We have found healthy habits to help you become consistent so you can forever be a motivated runner!
Habit 1: Morning Runner
Life is busy and that's okay! The best way to get around a busy schedule is to wake up a bit earlier and run first thing. Lisa Reichmann, a running coach in Maryland, says: "People who start to run early in the morning get hooked on that feeling of having accomplished so much before others are even awake, as well as the extra energy they get from that morning rush of endorphins."
Habit 2: Get Some Shut-Eye
Recharge your physical and mental state with enough sleep. In order to successfully run or train each day, you will need plenty of sleep for your body to repair. Whether it is sleeping an hour earlier or taking a nap - find the time to give your body what it needs!
Habit 3: Detach from Data
At least once a week, leave your GPS or phone at home while going for a run. This will allow you to enjoy your run without worrying about pace or distractions. Freely running will help you enjoy your time outdoors!
Habit 4: Build Strength
Building strength will boost your performance when running. It also will help build muscle. This improves health, reduces risk of injury and will make you feel good!
Habit 5: Run for Distance
Once a week, set aside a day to run for at least an hour. This will help you build endurance, strengthen bones and ligaments, and get your blood pumping!
With these habits, you'll easily have the motivation you need to become a consistent runner! Have other ideas on how to become a motivated runner? Share with us on Facebook!